Nick Cady – Calvary Chapel Encourage, Equip, Edify Tue, 17 Oct 2023 20:12:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nick Cady – Calvary Chapel 32 32 How God Used Chuck Smith To Empower A New Generation Of Pastors Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:00:36 +0000 When I was 18 years old, I boarded a plane bound for Hungary. Despite the fact that I had only been following Jesus for two...]]>

When I was 18 years old, I boarded a plane bound for Hungary. Despite the fact that I had only been following Jesus for two years, my pastor, the late Tom Stipe, sent me out as a missionary. Three years later, when I was 21, Tom ordained me as I was going out to plant a church.

At the time, these actions didn’t strike me as abnormal or unusual, yet now, years later, I look back on them with a sense of surprise. Why was Tom willing to take a chance on me, as young as I was? Why did he trust that I could serve the Lord in those ways without any formal training?

Later on, I came to realize that the reason was because that is what Chuck Smith had done for him when Tom was a young man: In 1976, Pastor Chuck sent Tom to Colorado to start a Calvary Chapel church here. In the movie, “Jesus Revolution,” millions of people saw the portrayal of how Chuck Smith empowered the young Greg Laurie to plant a church in Riverside, California. Still, the even more incredible reality is that Pastor Chuck did similar things with many young people over the years. Tom was doing for me what Chuck had modeled for him.

I remember sitting with Tom and listening to him tell stories of the early days of Calvary Chapel. One thing that Tom told me was that, in his opinion, the true genius of Chuck Smith was not his verse-by-verse teaching, as many people assume, and as masterful as that was. The true genius of Chuck Smith, Tom said, was that Chuck was willing, and even eager, to empower young people to serve the Lord in meaningful ways because he genuinely believed in the work of the Holy Spirit in and through people who were willing to make themselves available to God.

I finally got to meet Pastor Chuck in Austria, at the conference center that he had acquired for Calvary Chapel as a launching point for ministry in Eastern Europe. He asked about our ministry in Hungary and gave encouragement and affirmation. As I look back on that, I’m full of appreciation for him as a person who was more than just a good Bible teacher but an example of foresight and faith. Not only did Pastor Chuck want the Gospel to go forth into the whole world, but he understood that God wanted to use many other people to do that work. He was willing to support missionaries and church planters, including some of us who maybe wouldn’t have been empowered to do those things by anyone else who didn’t have the measure of faith he did!

Now, ten years after Pastor Chuck’s heavenly homecoming, I’m more inspired than ever to carry on his legacy of Bible teaching, evangelism, missions, and empowering people, especially young people, to serve the Lord.

A Q&A On Chuck Smith’s Approach To Ministry – With Nick Cady And Brian Brodersen Wed, 18 Oct 2023 19:00:53 +0000 ]]>

October 3, 2023 marks ten years since the passing of Pastor Chuck Smith, who was the man God used to start the Calvary Chapel Movement of churches.

In this bonus episode of Mission & Methods Podcast, Nick Cady speaks with Brian Brodersen about Chuck Smith’s approach to ministry, including some questions about how Chuck pastored personally, what were challenges and struggles he faced in ministry, and what were the major influences that shaped Chuck’s theology, and his preaching.

Pastor Brian is uniquely qualified to speak to these questions, as he not only served alongside Pastor Chuck and eventually succeeded him as the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, but he also shares close family ties to Pastor Chuck, as his son in law.

Augustine & Disordered Loves Fri, 30 Jun 2023 19:03:35 +0000 Originally published on Nick’s blog on April 11, 2019. At age 19, Augustine Aurelius—later to be known as Augustine of Hippo—read a dialogue by the...]]>

Originally published on Nick’s blog on April 11, 2019.

At age 19, Augustine Aurelius—later to be known as Augustine of Hippo—read a dialogue by the Roman philosopher Cicero in which Cicero stated that every person sets out to be happy, but the majority are thoroughly wretched. Truly, no one dreams as a child of one day growing up to be miserable, and yet many people’s lives are characterized by conflict, frustration and unfulfilled longings.

Augustine set out to discover why it is that most people are so discontent in life. His conclusion was that for most of us, our lives are “out of order”; we have disordered loves.

Augustine was convinced that what defines a person more than anything is what they love. He said that when we ask if someone is a “good” person, what we are asking is not what they believe or what they hope for, but rather what they love. He stated that what we consider human virtues, e.g. courage, honesty, etc. are essentially forms of love. Courage is loving your neighbor’s well-being more than your own safety. Honesty is loving someone enough to tell them the truth even if it may put you at a disadvantage.

Sin, Augustine said, is ultimately a lack of love, either for God or for your neighbor. He famously stated that “The essence of sin is disordered love.”

Disordered loves means that we often love less-important things more, and more-important things less than we ought to, and this wrong prioritization leads to unhappiness and disorder in our lives.

This is essentially what James says in his epistle:

What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. (James 4:1-3)

James is saying that what makes people miserable is not their circumstances, but that they are chasing after the wrong things, for the wrong reasons. The things they love are out of order.

Many times we view people as a means to an end, using them rather than loving them. Oftentimes we seek God primarily because we find him useful, rather than seeking him because we find him beautiful. We relate to him as useful to us, to help us achieve our selfish goals, rather than seeking his agenda for our lives.

The Blessings of the Exile Fri, 09 Jun 2023 06:00:27 +0000 Originally published on Nick’s blog December 8, 2020. Unbelievable News Through the prophet Habakkuk, God spoke to the people of Judah, telling them this: “Look...]]>

Originally published on Nick’s blog December 8, 2020.

Unbelievable News

Through the prophet Habakkuk, God spoke to the people of Judah, telling them this:

“Look among the nations, and see;
wonder and be astounded.
For I am doing a work in your days
that you would not believe if told.”

Habakkuk 1:5

But what exactly would this thing be that God was going to do, which was so incredible that people wouldn’t have believed it even if they were told? The very next verse reveals the answer:

“For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans,
that bitter and hasty nation,
who march through the breadth of the earth,
to seize dwellings not their own.”

Habakkuk 1:6

The Chaldeans are also known as the Babylonians. What God was telling the people through Habakkuk was that He was going to raise up the Babylonian Empire to bring judgment on both the Assyrians … and upon Jerusalem!

The result of the Babylonian attack on Jerusalem would be that the Temple would be destroyed, and the people of Judah would be carried off into exile for an entire generation.

The idea that God would allow a wicked nation like Babylon to attack and destroy Jerusalem was inconceivable to the people of Judah; it was the kind of news that was so incredible that they wouldn’t have believed even if someone told them!

After all, they were the people of God! Didn’t God love them? Then why would He let this wicked nation to attack them, defeat them, destroy the Temple, and carry them off into exile, making them slaves and subjects who lived as minorities under pagan rulers?

The Unexpected Blessings of the Exile

But perhaps even more difficult to believe would have been the fact that in many ways, though the exile was painful, it would end up being one of the best things that ever happened to the people of Israel.

The destruction of the Temple and exile in Babylon were their greatest fears, and what God was telling them was that their greatest fears were going to become reality. The people of Israel assumed that because they were God’s chosen people, God would never let anything like that happen to them, and yet He did.

It begs the question: if God loved them, why would He let this happen to them?

The answer is: God intended to use this to accomplish good things in their lives that wouldn’t happen any other way.

In Hebrews 12, God tells us that as a loving father, He disciplines His children. He does this not in spite of His love for us, but because of His love for us!

Some of the Blessings That Israel Experienced in Exile:

  • The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah were reunited (because Babylon conquered Assyria), and they would come out of the exile as a united nation once again.
  • Many of the people turned back to God and forsook the worship of idols, which had long plagued them as a people.
  • A new form of worship was born: because they were cut off from the Temple, the Jewish people began gathering together in Synagogues, where they would study the Scriptures and pray.

Synagogues developed during the exile, and the Jewish people brought them back home with them and continued them after the exile and after the rebuilding of the Temple. Prior to the exile, the people of Israel had a relatively weak relationship with the Scriptures. Consider the fact that when King Josiah found a copy of the Scriptures in the Temple during the renovation, it was the only known copy, and no one had seen it in many years!

Because of the exile, and fueled by the lack of a Temple, the people began regularly studying the Word of God in Babylon, and as they became familiar with it, their hearts were being prepared for the coming of Jesus in the years to come.

The exile was the people’s greatest fear. It was a form of chastisement from God, but ultimately, it was one of the best things that ever happened to the people of Israel.

More Than Conquerors

The idea of being in exile was considered by the early Christians to be a good picture of what it means to be a Christian: we are a minority group living in a place that’s not our home, and in this place we experience hardships.

As Paul wrote to the Philippians: to be a Christian is to live on Earth but to have your primary citizenship and identity rooted in Heaven. And yet, as foreigners and sojourners in this world, we understand that God has us here for a purpose.

Just as the exile and the destruction of Jerusalem were the greatest fears of the people of Judah, we might have things in our lives that we consider to be our greatest fears—whether on a social or a personal level. Yet what we learn from Israel’s exile and the realization of their greatest fears is that God uses even terrible and painful things to accomplish beautiful things in and through our lives.

This is what it means in Romans 8:37 when Paul says that in Christ we are “more than conquerors”:

it means that because of what Jesus did for us to redeem us and make us children of God, the worst things that could ever happen to us in this life are also the best things that can ever happen to us! And if that’s the case, then you have absolutely nothing to fear!

Trials and difficulties will be used by God for your good and for His purposes. Hardships will draw you closer to Him. Death will literally bring you to Him. All the worst things that can possibly happen to you, in Christ, are also the best things that can ever happen to you—because of God’s love for you and commitment to you. In Him, you’re bulletproof! You’re more than a conqueror through Him who loved you!

Preaching Is an Act of Persuasion Fri, 26 May 2023 06:00:27 +0000  Originally published on Nick’s blog on May 9, 2023. Nick Cady will be imparting two workshops and in our Q&A Panel at this year’s CGN...]]>

 Originally published on Nick’s blog on May 9, 2023.

Nick Cady will be imparting two workshops and in our Q&A Panel at this year’s CGN International Conference!

Don’t miss it and register today!

One of my favorite quotes about preaching comes from Richard Baxter, the 17th century English Puritan pastor and writer. He described his mode of preaching like this:

“I preached as if never to preach again; as a dying man to dying men.”

That quote conveys the sense of weight and urgency that a Christian sermon must have. This sense of weight and urgency can be seen in the preaching of the prophets, of Jesus himself, and in the preaching of the Apostles, recorded in the Book of Acts.

“Knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others”

In 2 Corinthians 5, the Apostle Paul is writing about the incredible hope that we have because of the gospel. It is a hope that enables us to live free from the fear of death, because we know that eternal life awaits us as a result of what Jesus accomplished for us.

And then, in 2 Corinthians 5:11, Paul declares: “Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others.”

To persuade means to convince someone to accept or adopt a certain point of view, belief, opinion, or course of action. It involves presenting arguments, evidence, or appeals that are designed to change someone’s mind or motivate them to take a particular action.

What is it then, that we are called to persuade people to do? In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul says that it is as if God is appealing to people through us: “We implore you, on behalf of Christ: be reconciled to God!”

“I have written these things so that you may believe”

At the end of the Gospel of John, the Apostle John lays his cards on the table and says,

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
John 20:30-31

In other words, John was trying to do something more than just convey true information. He was seeking to convey true information in a way that would compel and persuade people to believe.

Persuasion Versus Manipulation

There’s a difference between persuasion and manipulation.

Paul the Apostle, in 1 Corinthians 1-2, says that when he came to Corinth, he did not seek to manipulate the Corinthians in any way by use of rhetorical techniques. Rather, he preached Christ, and Him crucified, and he did so with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

So, while we do seek to persuade, we must never be manipulative. How does that work out practically?

The Power of Expository Preaching

John Scott explains the power of expository preaching in this way:

“The skillful expositor allows the text to open itself up before our eyes, like a rose unfolding to the morning sun and displaying its previously hidden beauty.”
John Scott, Between Two Worlds

So, the job of a faithful Bible teacher is to help people to see what the Bible is saying in a way that is clear, and in a way that helps them see that it is not only true, but why it matters for them.

It is not our job to make the Bible “seem” compelling, rather it is our job to help people understand why it is compelling, by helping them understand and even feel the importance and urgency of what the text is saying and how it pertains to their lives.

Our goal is to help people understand the badness of sin, the hopelessness of the curse—and the greatness of Jesus, and the goodness of the gospel, in a way that compels them to believe and to act.

Augustine’s Preaching Manual

Augustine of Hippo, the famed church father, wrote a manual, to instruct other preachers how to preach.

In that manual, Augustine said that the duty of a preacher is not only to instruct and teach, but also to “rivet and delight”—and to “stir and move people to action.”

The goal of preaching, therefore, is not only to pass on true information about the Bible, but to affect the beliefs, actions, and even emotions of those who are listening.

Ultimately, we want to be used by God to reshape the foundations of our listeners’ hearts; to change what they most fundamentally love, desire, hope in, and trust in—so that by seeing what God’s Word says they are compelled to love, desire, hope, and trust in Him, rather than in idols of this world.

Compelling Preaching is Born Out of Two Loves

Compelling preaching is born out of two loves: love for God, and love for people.

Because we want to honor God by rightly dividing His Word, and because we care about the fate and destiny of people, we do not just want our sermons to be informative lectures, but we desire to bring the “words of life,” the Holy Scriptures, to bear on people’s lives in such a way that they are compelled to respond by trusting in and worshiping Jesus.

Bill Buffington: Pastoring Amidst Shifting Demographics, Raising a Child with Disability, and Fighting for Gospel Unity Wed, 12 Apr 2023 08:35:04 +0000

Bill is the pastor of Calvary Chapel in Inglewood, California — a community that is rapidly changing, and in this episode, Bill shares about some ways they are addressing those changes, reaching out, and discipling the people God is bringing their way. 

Bill is also the father of a child with a disability, and he shares how his son’s disability has shaped him and his family, and how it has changed the way he approaches ministry and leads his church to love people who have unique challenges. 

As a member of the CGN Executive Team, Bill also talks about what he is excited about in regard to Calvary Global Network in regard to "gospel unity" and the ability to do more for God's Kingdom together than we can separately.

We’d love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Contact us at


Bill is the pastor of Calvary Chapel in Inglewood, California — a community that is rapidly changing, and in this episode, Bill shares about some ways they are addressing those changes, reaching out, and discipling the people God is bringing their way.


Bill is also the father of a child with a disability, and he shares how his son’s disability has shaped him and his family, and how it has changed the way he approaches ministry and leads his church to love people who have unique challenges.


As a member of the CGN Executive Team, Bill also talks about what he is excited about in regard to Calvary Global Network in regard to “gospel unity” and the ability to do more for God’s Kingdom together than we can separately.


We’d love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Contact us at

Perspectives from a Pastor’s Son: Balancing Family, Ministry, Pastoral Care, & Sabbaticals – with Nate Holdridge Wed, 15 Mar 2023 17:59:43 +0000

On this season of Mission & Methods, hosts Nick Cady and Brian Brodersen are interviewing some of the members of the CGN Executive Team, so that you can get to know who they are and what they are passionate about.

Nate Holdridge is the Pastor of Calvary Monterey, in Monterey, California. He is the author of several books, including his recent book: Whole-Hearted Work, which you can find on his website: Nate is a pastor’s kid, and in this episode, Nate talks about what it was like growing up in a church planting family, and what he learned through that about how Pastors can help their children to grow up in a way that helps them love the church and follow Jesus.

Nate is also a member of the Pastoral Care and Coaching Team for CGN, and so we talk about the importance of pastoral care and sabbaticals, and how to access those resources through Calvary Global Network.

We'd love to hear your feedback on these episodes. Email us at


On this season of Mission & Methods, hosts Nick Cady and Brian Brodersen are interviewing some of the members of the CGN Executive Team, so that you can get to know who they are and what they are passionate about.

Nate Holdridge is the Pastor of Calvary Monterey, in Monterey, California. He is the author of several books, including his recent book: Whole-Hearted Work, which you can find on his website: Nate is a pastor’s kid, and in this episode, Nate talks about what it was like growing up in a church planting family, and what he learned through that about how Pastors can help their children to grow up in a way that helps them love the church and follow Jesus.

Nate is also a member of the Pastoral Care and Coaching Team for CGN, and so we talk about the importance of pastoral care and sabbaticals, and how to access those resources through Calvary Global Network.

We’d love to hear your feedback on these episodes. Email us at

New Season of CGN Mission & Methods! Thu, 02 Mar 2023 04:31:39 +0000 ]]> ]]> Why You Should Watch “Jesus Revolution” Fri, 24 Feb 2023 22:25:54 +0000 ]]>

The Jesus Revolution movie premiers today, and you should definitely go see it!

On Wednesday, our church rented out our local theater for a private showing of the movie before its public release. Tickets sold out fast, and the theater was full of people of all ages.

The movie chronicles the early days of the Jesus Movement, through the eyes of Greg Laurie. At the forefront of the Jesus Movement was Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel, and their stories are told in this film, along with that of hippie evangelist and preacher, Lonnie Frisbee.

The stories told in the movie are stories that I heard from my pastor, Tom Stipe, over the years: Chuck Smith telling his board members, who were concerned about shoeless hippies ruining the new carpet in the church, that he would rather rip out the carpet than send the hippies away, or make them feel unwelcome; baptizing thousands at Pirate’s Cove in Corona del Mar, the concerts in the tent, and more.

Tom, who passed away in 2020, was good friends with Greg Laurie. When Tom passed away, I had the honor of speaking at his memorial, along with Greg. Unfortunately, Tom wasn’t mentioned in the film, although he was right there in the thick of the events that the movie chronicles.

When I, as a teenager, gave my life to the Lord and started attending church at Crossroads – the Calvary Chapel church which Tom pastored in Arvada, Colorado – my dad told me: “You know, back when I was in high school, I remember there were all these hippies playing ‘Jesus music’ on their guitars.” It was only later on, when I got to know Pastor Tom, that I realized the significance of the experience my dad was sharing with me.

Several times during the movie, I found myself moved to tears. There is something incredibly powerful about the hope of the gospel and the message of redemption.

I was so happy to have my kids be able to see this movie and connect the dots with some of the things we’ve shared with them about the history of our movement. Furthermore, I was proud to have the members of our church who were less-familiar with Calvary Chapel see this depiction of the Jesus Movement, and understand the roots and the values of the movement to which our church belongs.

Something I really appreciated about the movie was how they portrayed the nuances of the relationship between Chuck and Lonnie, and the reasons why they parted ways. The film portrayed that tension in a palpable way.

Tom Stipe used to tell me that what God did through Calvary Chapel and the Jesus Movement in the 1970’s was a story that needed to be shared and never forgotten. This movie tells the story of this important part of American history, which has spilled over and changed the world.

I encourage you to go out, watch the movie, and invite a friend or two. I hope many people will see the movie, and that God will use it to spark a Jesus revolution in our generation as well.

Ministering in Ukraine During the War: How God is Working & How to Pray Fri, 17 Feb 2023 18:41:08 +0000 Benjamin Morrison is a missionary in Ukraine and the pastor of Calvary Chapel Svitlovodsk in Central Ukraine. Ben is also a leader with City to...]]>

Benjamin Morrison is a missionary in Ukraine and the pastor of Calvary Chapel Svitlovodsk in Central Ukraine.

Ben is also a leader with City to City in Europe and Ukraine.

To support Ben and the ministry he is doing, visit

Visit the Theology for the People blog at to read articles, suggest topics, or ask questions.

Announcing The Cultivate Church Planter’s Program Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:11:32 +0000 ]]>

Are you ready to answer the call of church planting? 

The Gospel is the hope of the world, and the world needs more Gospel-centered churches. That is why Cultivate exists.

Cultivate by CGN has created the infrastructure to support the planting of 1000 churches in the next decade, starting in 2023!

We follow in the footsteps of renowned church planting leaders in the Calvary Chapel movement, embracing and adopting their rich heritage of Church planting in order to effectively transmit our values, theology, and philosophy of ministry to this generation and those that will follow until the Lord returns.

We understand that planting a church is not an easy task, but we believe it is an essential one. That’s why we’ve created a range of resources to help you and your team prepare for the journey ahead.

Here’s what we’ve been building to support you in this mission:

• Personal, pastoral, and practical resources to prepare you and your team.

• A 6-24 month training program, equipping you to lead a gospel-centered community wherever God has called you around the globe.

• A global team of mentors and coaches with thousands of hours of experience as church planters and pastors, ready to support you during training, launch, and post-launch.

We are dedicated to support you every step of the way, from training, to launch, and beyond. With our guidance and support, you can feel confident in your ability to engage the world for Christ.

If you’re ready to take the next step and learn more about our church planting program, we invite you to visit our website at

Together, we can make a difference and bring the hope of the Gospel to communities around the world.

What is Over-Realized Eschatology? Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:16:39 +0000 ]]>

Oftentimes the word “eschatology” is thought of only in terms of the timeline of Jesus’ return. This is one aspect of eschatology but certainly not the full meaning of what eschatology is. “Eschatology” means the study of the final or last things. It comes from the word “eschaton,” which means “final event” or “culmination.”

The promise of the gospel is that because of what Jesus accomplished in his life, death, and resurrection, ultimately, one day, God will wipe away every tear, and sickness and death and all of the effects of the curse of sin will be eradicated forever (cf. Revelation 21:1-4), and there will be a new heaven and new Earth, a renewed and restored and redeemed creation in which all things are the way that God designed them to be apart from the curse of sin and death. That is the “eschatological (final/ultimate) hope” of the Bible for those who are “in Christ.”

All of Christianity is Eschatological

In this sense, all of Christianity is eschatological in that it hopes in, and looks to, a final culmination in which certain things will take place. Conversely, any form of “Christianity” that does not claim hold to this eschatological hope is arguably no longer true Christianity.


How we understand this eschatological hope, and our place in relation to it today, will inevitably shape our thinking and practice as Christians.

A Biblical Picture: Dawn

The Bible uses a picture to describe the place where we are in history: Dawn (2 Peter 1:19). Dawn is that in-between time after the first light of morning has broken the darkness of night— but before the sun has crested the horizon and driven out night’s darkness completely. During the dawn, light and dark are both present at the same time, yet neither are present in full force; the darkness is not as dark as it once was, and neither is the light as bright as it will be. The promise of dawn is that the shift from night to day will come; it has begun and will not regress. Its full fruition is only a matter of time. Peter refers to Jesus as the “morning star,” i.e., the signifier of the dawn of a new day.

Another Biblical Picture: The Wheat and the Weeds

Another picture the Bible uses to help us understand the world and our place in it in relation to the eschaton is Jesus’ Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30), in which Jesus describes the world as a field in which God planted good seed, but an enemy came in and planted bad seed. The farmer then makes the surprising decision to allow the wheat and the weeds to grow together until the harvest, at which time they will be separated— the wheat brought into the storehouse and the weeds burned. This is a picture of the world we live in, where good and evil are both present, and God is fully committed to eradicating evil, but the day to do so has not yet come; thus these two “kingdoms” currently exist in the world at the same time, and yet the eschatological promise is that the kingdom of darkness and evil will be eradicated at the eschaton.

Over-Realized Eschatology

An “over-realized eschatology” is when someone expects that the eschatological hope of Christianity is already here and now. They might say, Well, if Jesus has come and the Kingdom has come, then there should no longer be evil in the world, everyone should be healed of sickness, there should be no poverty or suffering, and everything should be the way that God designed it to be NOW, and if you believe well enough, or have enough faith, you will experience it.

This leads to what is sometimes called a “prosperity gospel,” which is best understood as an over-realized eschatology that expects something which will ultimately happen for those who are in Christ to happen right now. One of the problems with it is that it places an incredible burden on people by telling them, “If you are not healthy and wealthy, it must be because you are doing it wrong.” It fails to take into account the nature of the world and our time and place in God’s plan of redemption, not to mention the sovereignty of God.

Under-Realized Eschatology

Conversely, there is such a thing as an under-realized eschatology. This is one that does not recognize that with the coming of Jesus into the world, the Kingdom of God has been inaugurated, even if it has not yet come in fullness.

Both over- and under-realized eschatology fails to take hold of the “already, but not yet” nature of our unique place in time: after Jesus’ death and resurrection and before the eschaton— which is illustrated by the picture of dawn and the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds.

A Balanced, Biblical View of Eschatology Leads to Healthy Christian Living

This understanding helps us to make sense of the world we live in today in which sin, death, and sickness are realities we still grapple with, while underscoring that there are times when God miraculously manifests His kingdom here on Earth without laying unnecessary burdens upon people that their illnesses and difficulties must be the result of their own lack of faith. It gives us the endurance to hold onto the glorious eschatological hope of the gospel, which empowers us to have endurance in the face of whatever hardships come our way until that final day comes.

Cultivating Church Planters Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:09:13 +0000 Rob Salvato and Ted Leavenworth are joined by Nick Cady (Whitefields Community Church) and Bruce Zachary (Calvary Nexus) to discuss the new equipping resource from...]]>

Rob Salvato and Ted Leavenworth are joined by Nick Cady (Whitefields Community Church) and Bruce Zachary (Calvary Nexus) to discuss the new equipping resource from Calvary Global Network called Cultivate. Cultivate will help with the assessment, training, and cultivating of prospective church planters.


Whitefields Community Church —

Calvary Nexus —

A Gift and a Skill: How CGN and Expositors Collective are Working to Train Bible Teachers Wed, 12 Oct 2022 23:58:45 +0000 Expositors Collective is an organization that hosts training events and provides resources to help people grow as Bible teachers and preachers of God’s Word. Recently,...]]>

Expositors Collective is an organization that hosts training events and provides resources to help people grow as Bible teachers and preachers of God’s Word. Recently, Expositors Collective came into formal relationship with CGN.

Teaching, according to the Bible, is a Spiritual gift, and it is also a skill which can be developed and improved. What is the relationship between the spiritual gifting of teaching, and the responsibility to steward that gift by doing your best to make sure you are rightly dividing and effectively communicating the “Word of Truth”?

As Christians, we all engage with the Bible at some level, so even if someone isn’t preaching sermons on Sunday mornings, they will likely have many opportunities to share Biblical truth and wisdom with others. For this reason, it is important for us to grow in both our private study and our public proclamation of God’s Word.

In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Kellen Criswell and Mike Neglia about the history of Expositors Collective and what are some of the unique elements of it, as well as how Expositors Collective works with CGN in our mission to Proclaim the Gospel, Make Disciples, and Plant Churches.

Listen for a clip from Pastor Chuck Smith about sermon preparation and how it works together with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

We’d love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. You can email us at

What Does It Mean to Teach “the Whole Counsel of God”? Wed, 28 Sep 2022 15:58:44 +0000 In Acts 20:26 Paul the Apostle tells the leaders of the Ephesian church that he innocent of their blood because, during his time in Ephesus,...]]>

In Acts 20:26 Paul the Apostle tells the leaders of the Ephesian church that he innocent of their blood because, during his time in Ephesus, he taught them “the whole counsel of God’s Word.” What does it mean to teach the whole counsel of God’s word, and how can we be sure we are doing this in our churches?

One of the core values of CGN is biblical literacy. In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Kellen Criswell to discuss what CGN is doing to promote biblical literacy and to encourage the teaching of “the whole counsel of God’s Word.”

As part of this discussion, they talk about biblical theology and Christ-centered hermeneutics, as they discuss the importance of teaching every part of the Bible in relation to the big story that all of the Bible together tells.

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