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The Way of Jesus vs The Way of Peter – #FiresideTheology

By June 1, 2022July 19th, 2022Podcasts1 min read

Defensive violence, wounded Healers, and how radical enemy-love changes the world! So often as Christians we feel we must defend Jesus and lash out at those who are against Him. Too often we take the path of Peter and chop off the ear of someone who needs healing from Christ. In this episode, Aaron walks us through what he’s learned about the Way of Jesus, and how though Peter’s actions came from a noble place, we can learn from his mistakes and follow Jesus better when it comes to loving our enemies.

#doubt #deconstruction #exvangelical #churchhurt #enemylove #thewayofjesus #wayofjesus #violence #hatred #healing

Aaron Salvato is the founder GoodLion Ministries & the CGN Media Podcast Network. He serves as CGN’s Content Strategy Director. Aaron has a passion to reach young people with The Gospel and to find innovative ways to do ministry in this cultural moment. He and his wife Brooklynn currently serve Jesus in Oklahoma through the GoodLion School of Discipleship.

Aaron Salvato and Brian Higgins are here to talk about Jesus, faith, and the Christian Life. A show filled with powerful interviews, fascinating theological deep-dives, and a never-ending stream of questions, there’s always something to discover on The Good Lion Podcast.