Calvary Chapel – Calvary Chapel Encourage, Equip, Edify Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:15:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calvary Chapel – Calvary Chapel 32 32 Israel update- Oct 12, 2023 Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:00:43 +0000 ]]>

*Editor’s note:  This is a living document with regular updates about the situation in Israel and Gaza. Please check back frequently.

Oct 12, 2023 – An Israel update from Brian Brodersen from the Island of Cyprus

Greetings, friends. Pastor Brian here, and I am standing on the shores of the Mediterranean. Just about 200 miles southeast of where I’m standing is Tel Aviv.

Of course, we are all aware of things that are happening in that region currently. I just wanted to take a few minutes to give you an update from where I am in Cyprus.

We are here for a conference that we do fairly regularly, and it just so happens that we ended up here at this time. It always seems like we end up here at strategic times!

At the moment in Israel, we have a number of students from our Bible college who are happy to evacuate the country. And thankfully we’re here and we’re able to have many of them come and join us here in Cyprus as they make their way back home to the U.S. If you would keep that in prayer, that would be wonderful. I know that their families would appreciate that.

Of course, our hearts go out to many of our personal friends in Israel. Today, we have been in touch with them, and we’re keeping in close contact to monitor the situation to see what we can do to help towards whatever needs arise.

And we’re also, of course, praying for the Palestinian people of Gaza. We actually have friends who have family there. So we’re not disconnected from that as well. I was in touch with one of them this morning, and they definitely asked for prayer. It’s a complicated, horrific situation.

Israel’s decision to eradicate the terrorism of Hamas, I personally think, is the right and obvious decision. And yet, it’s going to be a difficult road.

Many have asked this question, is this a fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

The answer is: no and yes at the same time. No, it’s not a fulfillment of any specific prophecy. However, it is a fulfillment of the larger prophetic scenario that the Bible lays out where Jerusalem would become this burdensome stone to all the nations, and the Lord promises that for all those who would come against Jerusalem, He would rise up in judgment against them.

So, we’re not there at this moment, but that’s where things are headed. Are they headed there in the next few months? It doesn’t seem to me that that’s the case. But that is, generally speaking, the direction that the world is moving in. So in one sense we see the stages continuing to be set for the final acts, which could be years out ahead of us. We don’t really know.

What I think what this does is it moves us to pray. It moves us to realize the seriousness of the situation, and the world that we are living in today. It creates in us an urgency for the Gospel. People need Jesus.

The craziness unfolds around us with the various opinions, with some people actually coming out and publicly supporting the murderous rampage that these terrorists went on!

A lot of things are being revealed right now. And hopefully, as a result of this, there will be people that are turning to Christ. That’s our prayer.

Please continue to pray for us:

Pray for the conference that we’re having because it’s for people from the region. They’re coming to be encouraged. They didn’t know they were going to be coming in the midst of this conflict… but that’s where we’re at. But we’re trusting that the Lord has good things, and people are going to be encouraged to go back to their communities in the Muslim world, for the most part, and in the Jewish world as well, to bring the hope of Christ!

So, thanks for your prayers.

God bless.


Oct 9, 2023 at 08:19 PST – More Prayer Requests From Friends In Israel

*Editor’s note: submitted by one of our Calvary Chapel pastors. A message from friends in Israel about the current crisis. Names have been withheld to protect those in the field.

Terrorist are still inside some of the towns near Gaza, and the fighting is still going on. As of now (Sunday night), over 700 Israeli citizens—women, children, and soldiers—have been killed and over 2200 wounded.

This is the worst incident ever in Israel. Such brutal and ruthless killing … As a result, Israel has declared war against Hamas. Since last night, Israel has been striking hundreds of strategic targets deep in Gaza and will be preparing for a full assault. It seems like we are far from the end.

And the most disturbing is the kidnaping: a large number (over 100) of soldiers and citizens have been taken into Gaza.

The IDF is calling up all reserves and is preparing for major operation in Gaza.

Please continue to pray for the situation to be resolved quickly, for the men and women who have been taken captive to be released, for the many wounded to recover, and for the families of the deceased.

Five men and women from the Netivah team were called up. The rest of the team are creating opportunities to bless the soldiers on the front line.

We are also working with other ministries to provide necessities and also looking into the possibility of providing shelter, food, and accommodation for residents of the southern towns.



Oct 7, 2023 – Prayer Request From Friends In Israel

*Editor’s note: submitted by one of our Calvary Chapel pastors. A message from friends in Israel about the current crisis. Names have been withheld to protect those in the field.

By now you are probably aware of the difficult situation that we are under at these moments in Israel.

From 6:30 am, we have been under an unusual rocket attack that enabled hundreds of Hamas militants to break through the Gaza border straight into the nearby towns and kibbutzim on a killing spree, killing over 200 civilians and soldiers, wounding over 1500 people, and kidnaping dozens of men women and children, taking them across the border into Gaza as hostages. As of 10:00 pm there is still fighting in fifteen different locations.

This has been described by many as a 9/11 incident, and the IDF is calling up reserves and is preparing for a full scale response which will probably temporarily escalate the situation.

Please pray for the situation to be resolved quickly, for the men and women that have been taken captive to be released, for the many wounded to recover, and for the families of the deceased.

Many of our messianic young men and women have been called up (also reserves) and some are in the heart of the battles.

Please join us as we pray for their safety and that they may be an encouragement and light in times of fear and pain.

Please pray for us at Netivah to know how to encourage and support the men and women serving and also for some of our team that has been called up as well.


Oct 7, 2023

The following is an update from Matt Davis of The Jewish Road, an organization which endeavors to restore the Jewishness of the Gospel through teachings and trips. 

On the 50 year anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, Israel’s enemies once again have blindsided and invaded the land. As the joyous Jewish holiday of Sukkot ended last night, and on the morning of another holiday, Simchat Torah, the terrorist organization Hamas began an attack by air and land into peaceful Israeli communities. At the time of this writing, Hamas has launched over 3,000 rockets into Israel. On foot, terrorists have kidnapped and murdered hundreds of Israeli citizens including women, children, and holocaust survivors. Thousands of Israelis are wounded and the death and injury toll will continue to rise in the foreseeable future as Israel engages to protect their Jewish homeland. 

Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that the State of Israel is at war. What exactly this will bring and how the surrounding hostile nations will react and respond remains to be seen. Pray for Israel. As the church, we are grafted into the spiritual body of Abraham, and when our big brother goes to war, we should too. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for wisdom for Israel’s leaders. Pray that this battle would soon end and for justice for the victims of these heinous hate crimes and their families. Pray for the innocent civilians, Jews and Arabs alike, who are caught in the crossfire of this ancient hatred and modern day battle that rages on. 

Make no mistake, this is not a battle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The following is an update from Jim Stretchberry of AEBM (American European BETHEL Mission) in Haifa, Israel. Bethel is the hostel AEBM owns and operates in Haifa.

As of 0700 October 7, 2023 …

The situation in Israel is dire: 500 wounded, unknown number captured and taken to Gaza, at least 100 known dead. Israel was not ready, and infiltration came from many points. 

Bethel is prepared: bomb shelter is perfect, provisions are being increased and preparations made for whatever we can do. They already have some tourists and refugees staying at the hostel but are committed to use every inch of the facilities as needed.

Prayer Requests:

  • PRAYER: For AEBM’s obvious concern: Hezbollah. 
  • PRAYER: For additional concerns about some of the radical Muslim villages in the North. The streets of Haifa are deserted at this time.
  • PRAYER: For Arabs around the country and especially for our dear partners who are Arab believers. 
  • PRAYER: That many would turn to God and realize Jesus as Messiah. 
  • PRAYER: For the peace of Jerusalem. Kindly pray and pray.

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Three Reflections on the Power, Hope, and Triumph of Easter Sat, 08 Apr 2023 06:00:20 +0000 ]]>

As the joyful spirit of Easter envelops our hearts and minds, we’re thrilled to present an article that embodies the essence of this sacred holiday. In celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we’ve curated and compiled some of the most insightful and powerful excerpts from sermons and devotionals by three pastors within our movement: Brian Brodersen, Richard Cimino, and Clay Worrell.

As you read through these selected passages, may your spirit be lifted and your faith renewed as we embrace the transformative message of Easter together.

Brian Brodersen: Easter is About the Death of Death, and the Triumph of Jesus

*Original Video Found Here

The phrase “the death of death” embodies what transpired on that first Easter morning when Jesus rose from the grave. He didn’t just rise for himself: he conquered death.

Paul expressed this beautifully in his second letter to Timothy, where he stated that Jesus Christ abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Jesus abolished death. He obliterated it. He wiped it out.

That’s exactly what happened on that first Easter Sunday.

As we gather to worship the Lord, we worship the risen Savior who died not for himself, but for us. He lives, and because he lives, we also will live.

This is the essence of the gospel: life and immortality have been brought to light through the gospel.

We proclaim this gospel because it’s through its power that sin is conquered, and ultimately, death is defeated—granting us eternal life.

The moment we receive Christ, we’re given eternal life that extends infinitely.

This gives us great reason to rejoice!

Richard Cimino: Easter is About the Power of Jesus’ Blood and Resurrection

*Original Video Found Here

The Easter message revolves around Jesus’ eternal nature, resurrection, sustaining power, and his role as a faithful witness to God’s truth.

The resurrection of Jesus is a central aspect of the Easter celebration. It brings hope and joy to Christians as it affirms the truth that Jesus is alive and reigns as the savior of the world. Despite whatever circumstances one may be facing, Jesus is there as the ruling, reigning, and risen savior, offering us support and guidance!

Jesus sustains believers with his power. As described in Isaiah 40:28-29, the Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth, who doesn’t grow weary. He’s the one who gives power to those who are weak, lifting them up in times of need.

In Revelation 1:5, we learn that Jesus is the firstborn of the dead. Although there are instances of people being raised from the dead in the Old Testament and the Gospels, Jesus was the first to be raised with a glorified body, never to die again. He holds a preeminent position among those raised from the dead. And, we’re told that Jesus is the prototype, the first fruit of what’s to come (1 Corinthians 15:20).

As Christians, we believe that we will one day be raised—like Jesus—with new, glorified bodies, never to die again. This belief shapes our actions and priorities, shifting our focus from the temporal to the eternal.

Jesus is the ruler of kings on earth. There’s no higher authority than him. All human authorities are subject to Jesus and will be judged by him. This understanding can help Christians navigate the challenges of a fallen culture. Our King is powerful!

When I see the great length God went to by sending his son to die in my place, for my sins, I realize how lost I was and how much He loves me. The ruler of the kings of the earth loves us and has freed us from our sins by the power of his blood.

Our sin made us his enemy and far from God. His blood brought us near and made us clean. Our sin made us guilty before God, but his blood made us righteous.

Jesus has already accomplished everything needed for our salvation. As he declared on the cross: “It is finished.” The cleansing, liberating power of the blood of Jesus is only applied to our lives through faith in Jesus.

We must receive the work of the cross and resurrection by faith and surrender our lives to Jesus, believing he washed us from our sins by the power of His blood.

Clay Worrell: Easter is About the Incredible Hope We Find in Christ

*Original Video Found Here

Hope in its simplest form is looking forward to something positive in our future. Hope is essential for human existence; without it, we lose the will to live. As a pastor for 15 years, I’ve counseled many people who were ready to take their own lives, and the common thread was that they’d lost hope.

The Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky said, “To live without hope is to cease to live.” Hope is as vital to our daily survival as water.

Today’s world is in desperate need of hope. With instability and troubling events abounding, people are grasping for hope in various ways: political parties, the military, careers, families, and even relocating to new places. While it’s not wrong to hope in these things, they’re temporary and can’t offer ultimate hope. All these hopes will eventually end with death.

We long for a hope that transcends the grave, yet the world can’t provide it.

The world offers a dying hope.

C.S. Lewis once wrote that “if we find a desire within ourselves that cannot be satisfied by anything in this world, it is likely that we were made for another world.”

This brings us to the hope we find in the risen Lord.

Unlike the dead hopes of the world, our hope in Jesus is a living hope because he conquered the grave on Easter morning.

Through Jesus Christ’s grace, we’re saved to an imperishable, undefiled, unfading inheritance in heaven. Instead of placing our hope in the world, believing in the gospel allows our hope to extend beyond the grave. Our hope lies in heaven, our eternal promise of dwelling with God, the source of all goodness and beauty!

We no longer need to seek ultimate hope in politics, relationships, possessions, circumstances, or health because we know that whatever happens on earth, we have eternity with God to look forward to. The amazing thing is that our eternal hope in Christ supports all our hopes in the things of this world.

We can still anticipate life’s good things, with the balance of knowing that this world isn’t all there is. We can hope for peace, righteousness, meaningful careers, family, relationships, financial stability, and possessions, knowing that everything we have ultimately belongs to God and can be used for his glory.

Our hope in the risen Lord underpins all other hopes in our lives, making it possible for us to not despair when our temporal hopes disappoint or fail us. Our hope remains in eternity where King Jesus reigns.

When we lose our job, dream career, struggle financially, or lose our house, we don’t lose hope because God is preparing a place for us where we’ll dwell forever with all our needs met. As our bodies age and weaken, our hope isn’t in our physical selves but in the living God who has prepared a place for us where we’ll dwell with him forever in new bodies.

This living hope is only possible because Jesus faced death and conquered it, dying and then rising again. Earthly things don’t offer security, but in Christ, we’re guarded by God’s power for salvation, ready to be revealed in the last times.

Easter reminds us that when we’re saved by the risen Lord’s mercy, our hope is guaranteed by God’s power. There’s no place more secure than in Jesus Christ’s grace.

For Christians, this living and eternal hope allows us to rejoice even when life is difficult.

If you’re struggling or placing your hope in the wrong things, refocus your eyes on Jesus, the living hope.

If you’re searching for hope in a world that seems hopeless, know that Jesus loves you, and died and rose for you.

Place your faith in him and accept the forgiveness, freedom, and living hope he offers.

Asbury – A Helpful Perspective From Gavin Ortlund Tue, 21 Feb 2023 18:43:44 +0000 ]]>

Revival is a topic that has been on the minds of many Christians recently, particularly those who have been following the events at Asbury University. While some may be hesitant to jump on the bandwagon of excitement, it is important to have a working theology of revival.

We at Calvary Chapel have long been fascinated by the concept of revival, and we know that many in our community share this interest. Recently, we came across Gavin Ortland’s video titled “Revival at Asbury? A Theological Reflection,” and we found his approach to be both insightful and extremely helpful.

In this article, we have summarized some of the key principles that Gavin discusses in his video. We hope that this summary will encourage you to watch the full video and engage in your own theological reflection on the topic.

We believe that Gavin’s hopeful, measured approach to this topic is particularly relevant to those who are currently observing the events at Asbury University and wondering what to make of them.

Here’s a summary of what Gavin Talks about in the Video:

What is Revival?

Revival can be defined as a renewal of spiritual life in a church or community, often accompanied by a heightened sense of God’s presence and power. Revivals have been known to bring about an increase in evangelistic efforts, a deeper sense of unity among believers, and a greater commitment to holiness. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for revival, there are certain principles that we can look for in evaluating whether a revival is truly of God.

The Principles of Revival

One of the most important principles of revival is the recognition of sin and the need for repentance. In order for revival to take place, there must be a deep sense of conviction about personal and corporate sin. This often leads to a period of confession and seeking forgiveness. Another principle of revival is the emphasis on prayer and seeking God’s will. Prayer is often at the center of revival, as individuals and groups cry out to God for His mercy and power.

Another principle of revival is the recognition of the importance of the Word of God. Revivals often involve a renewed interest in Scripture, with individuals and groups spending time in Bible study and meditation. This leads to a greater understanding of God’s character and His will for our lives. Finally, revival is marked by a renewed commitment to evangelism and mission. As individuals experience the transforming power of God in their lives, they are often driven to share that message with others and to reach out to those who are lost.

The History of Revival

Throughout history, there have been many notable revivals, each with its own unique characteristics and impact. Some examples include:

The Great Awakening of the 18th century, for example, was marked by the preaching of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield and brought about a renewed interest in the gospel message.

The Welsh Revival of 1904 was characterized by a powerful sense of God’s presence, leading to mass conversions and a renewed commitment to holiness.

The Azusa Street Revival of 1906, which took place in Los Angeles, California, is often credited with starting the Pentecostal movement and brought about a renewed emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit.

And, as our readers will well know, in the 1960s and 70s, a spiritual movement known as the Jesus People swept across the United States, characterized by a unique blend of Christian faith and countercultural values.

This movement had a profound impact on American Christianity, leading to the rise of new forms of worship and evangelism, as well as a renewed emphasis on community and discipleship. Our Calvary Chapel family was born out of this spiritual revival.

There have been more, and we pray, there will be many more.

The Danger of Cynicism

While it is important to be discerning when it comes to evaluating revivals, it is also important to avoid cynicism and over-analysis. It is easy to become overly critical of something that we do not fully understand or that seems out of the ordinary. However, we must be careful not to quench the Spirit or to miss out on the work that God may be doing in our midst. As Christians, we should be quick to pray and seek God’s will in all things, including revival.

In conclusion, revival is a powerful and often transformative experience that can bring about a renewed sense of spiritual life and purpose. While there are certain principles that we can look for in evaluating whether a revival is truly of God, it is important to approach this topic with humility and a willingness to learn. We must avoid the danger of cynicism and instead be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, always seeking God’s will in all things.

We invite you to join us in prayer for the young people at Asbury and for all those who are seeking a deeper experience of revival in their lives. Let us pray that God would continue to move in their hearts and protect them from negative outside influences. May He lead us all to repentance and inspire beautiful worship that brings glory and honor to His name. As we continue to seek Him in prayer and worship, may our hearts be open to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and may we be encouraged to pursue revival in our own lives and communities.

Calvary Chapel Bible Institute – New Zealand Thu, 02 Jun 2022 03:46:36 +0000 Calvary Chapel Bible Institute (CCBI) is based in Reporoa on the North Island of New Zealand. We offer a two-year, four-semester Bible study programme, designed to feed, strengthen and equip those who have a heart to live for and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in Ministry.]]> ]]> Calvary Chapel Bible College – Japan Thu, 02 Jun 2022 03:30:06 +0000 Calvary Chapel Bible College Japan is an affiliate of Calvary Chapel Bible College. Our teaching site is located in Okinawa. CCBC Japan officially began in the fall of 2006.]]> ]]> Ocean’s Edge School of Worship – Fort Lauderdale, FL Wed, 02 Mar 2022 20:09:20 +0000 Ocean's Edge School of Worship is a 10 month, full-time music and production training school located in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Gain the knowledge and expertise to lead from your instrument from hands-on, practical training combined with leadership coursework, private lessons, and discipleship training.]]> ]]> Giving Tuesday 2021 Mon, 29 Nov 2021 22:07:00 +0000 CGN Giving Tuesday Testimonials Ministry leaders and believers alike have faithfully donated to the network to help support churches in their calling to share the...]]>

CGN Giving Tuesday Testimonials

Ministry leaders and believers alike have faithfully donated to the network to help support churches in their calling to share the gospel around the world!

One story is from Esteban Valenzuela!

Esteban leads Raíces Madrid Evangelical Christian Church in Madrid, Spain. Through YOUR giving, Raíces Madrid has been able to secure their own building to facilitate their church gatherings that also meets city requirements. Esteban was able to complete a few necessary installments that approved their congregation number to grow by city standards. Praise the Lord!

Read About Our Story in India and More!

You Hear Their Cries: Reflections on September 11 Sat, 11 Sep 2021 10:30:00 +0000 I will never forget September 11, 2001. We were living and serving at the castle in Austria. We were busy with a new semester of...]]>

I will never forget September 11, 2001. We were living and serving at the castle in Austria. We were busy with a new semester of Bible college students and preparing to move our operations into Hungary. Austria is six hours ahead of New York, so it was late afternoon when we learned about the horrific terror attacks on American soil. As we watched what was happening, I was filled with anger and wished I could somehow be involved in protecting our country. I longed for a sense of justice and maybe even vengeance on those responsible.

Living in Austria, we weren’t directly involved in what took place in the USA after the attacks but watched what was happening, as people flocked to churches and turned to God in order to find comfort and somehow make sense of what was happening. What a beautiful time it was as people forgot some of their petty, political differences, came together on what unites them– being American, and more importantly, followers of Jesus Christ.

In the politically charged environment in the USA in recent years, it would be good for people to reflect on the things we have in common rather than concentrating on only what divides us. May the masses once again seek God in order to make sense of our current state of turmoil. The pandemic continues to rage, and the aggressive, political divisions in our country are a cause of stress and anxiety. But the Lord is the source of our tranquility.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, ESV).


I was in an early morning, mentoring telephone conversation with a close friend, a missionary in one of the “stan” countries. Sherry called upstairs for me to come to the TV and see what was going on. I continued the intense, very personal conversation, as I saw the burning buildings. I told my friend what I was seeing with shocked incomprehension, in a paragraph inserted in our conversation. I gasped as the first building collapsed and suddenly the line was dead. I stared at the phone and began to realize that our phone line went through destroyed building. That crushed conversation was a powerful metaphor for the crushing of the current narrative that ascendancy of Western liberal democracy would bring peace and prosperity to the world.

Later that morning, I started my theology class at Western Seminary with a TV on the table, so we could keep track of what was happening. We paused the class several times to ponder and pray. As the story of flight 593 crashing in Pennsylvania emerged, we recognized the Christ-centered response to the presence of evil at work. We adopted the phrase, “Let’s roll” as a slogan for our proclamation of hope. People who had not been in church for years came to prayer meetings, seeking meaning and community in the smoke of the ruins of the naïve hope, “We are all alike and will do fine, as we get together in a connected world.” Believers went seeking places where they could provide immediate help to stranded folk in their neighborhoods, as well as New York and the rest of the world. While many responded with angry, violent retaliation, we committed to taking the gospel of Jesus to the violence-racked world, especially the largely bypassed Muslim world. We proclaimed, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).


I was on my way to work at our church and got a call from my wife on my cell phone. She asked me if I had heard about an airplane that hit one of the twin towers. We both thought perhaps it was a small airplane that accidentally lost control. An hour later, I’m standing with our church staff in the front office, watching the towers fall on live TV. I distinctly remember tears rolling down so many faces in stunned silence.

Flash forward a month ahead, I’m living in Philadelphia and our church had coordinated a chaplaincy effort to go minister to the firefighters, law enforcement, and hundreds of locals digging out the rubble in NYC at Ground Zero. We had so many conversations with people who were still reeling from the loss of life and attack on our nation, but they were simultaneously stunned by the amount of love and care that was coming from the churches. We got to pray with them, feed them, hold them as they wept, give them copies of the scriptures, and tell them of the love of Jesus in the midst of the chaos. That message still stands today, 20 years later, and people are just as in need for the church to show up in their mess, and love them to the hope found at the cross.


“I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed” (Genesis 26:4).

In 2001, I took a life-changing trip to Israel. After flying home, my wife and I were awakened the next morning from a jet-lagged sleep when the phone rang. A good friend was calling, clearly upset.

“Turn on the television, now!” She was barely able to get the words out. “We’re being attacked.”
It was September 11. Four commercial jetliners had been hijacked by terrorists and used as deadly weapons against American citizens. We began checking with other friends and traveling companions. Several of the team members who had traveled with us to Israel had left on a later flight. They landed in Newark, New Jersey, and were stranded on the tarmac, where they could see smoke billowing from lower Manhattan. Some ended up hitchhiking home across the country.
With this direct attack on US soil, everything changed. Even though the attack was launched against New York City and Washington DC, Israel was the key. The terrorists hated its existence and hated the United States for supporting the Jewish state.

Just days earlier, I took part in a vine planting ceremony in the city of Ariel. That day, kneeling in the dirt, working the soil, and planting new vines, the importance of God’s people impacted me. I had studied prophecy for decades, but on that afternoon, I knew the fate of the world revolved around Israel. I had come face to face with a new understanding of prophecy. It is not just the geography of Israel that is important to our understanding. Israel and her people are the center of our world, our history, and our future. Israel is more than a prophetic clock on the wall.

God had a beautiful goal in mind when He promised Abraham, “And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3). No one is left out of this promised blessing. God manifested His love and grace from the very beginning. We all are His chosen people through the covenant He made with Abraham.

I will never forget that day as long as I live! We had an early morning 6 AM prayer meeting at the church that day. So I was up early and rushed off to pray with a small group assembled at the church. I had not checked my phone or the news, so I had no idea what had happened. As we began to pray, someone notified me of what had happened. I was in shock. We concluded the prayer meeting, praying for our country and loved ones, and those who’s families had been directly impacted by the attack. I raised home from the prayer meeting, flipped on the news, and began watching the horrific images of the planes hitting the towers and the towers collapsing. I would have never thought it possible for America to be so vulnerable to an attack like that. I kept thinking, “The state of the world has changed forever.”

In the coming days and weeks that followed, my heart was filled with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was truly blessed to see so many people turning to the Lord. The Sunday following the attack, our church was packed with people desperate to meet with God. I gave an invitation that day, and many people responded. I was blessed by the large amount of Christians across the country who responded immediately to the relief efforts, and jumped into the fray to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And I was encouraged by the sense of national pride that welled up in so many, a sense of banning together in order to overcome. I really felt proud to be an American.

But there was also a sense of consternation that filled my heart in that time. I really felt that we missed a moment as a nation. President Bush, who I was always a strong supporter of, had the opportunity to call our nation to repentance, to really get on our faces and seek God, and to realize that this was a wake-up call for our country. But instead, our president sent a message that we needed to pull ourselves up by our boot straps and show a sense of, “We were not going to be knocked out.”

I understand why we sent that message, but I do think that we missed a very important, spiritual moment as a country. Within two weeks, it was sort of back to business as usual, and people were no longer focused on the Lord. As I look back on those events from 20 years ago, I can’t help but think that we experienced a similar situation in 2020 with the pandemic. Rather than really turning to God in humbleness as a nation, people have been so focused on their own needs, rights, and the longing for things to get back to normal. I think we are living in a new normal, and the Lord will continue to allow these type of things to happen, in order to get our attention in hopes that we as a nation might humble ourselves, turn from our sin, and turn completely to the Lord. Praying for Revival.

The Link: Heralding the Voice of Christ, International Conference, Richard Dawkins on Down’s Syndrome & More Fri, 21 May 2021 16:30:00 +0000 “Heralding the Voice of Christ – Glen Scrivener”– Expositors Collective“What if God came to your church? Or better yet, what if your words were the...]]>

“Heralding the Voice of Christ – Glen Scrivener” Expositors Collective
“What if God came to your church? Or better yet, what if your words were the words of God?”

“2021 Calvary Chapel\CGN International Conference” Calvary Global Network
“The CGN International Conference has always been a refreshing time of teaching, fellowship, worship, and prayer, and this year is no different. Our vision is to express the love of Christ, train church leaders and enjoy the diversity and unity of the Church both in-person and online.”

“Richard Dawkins’s Views on Down’s Syndrome Aren’t a Surprise”The Spectator
“Irish radio host Brendan O’Connor is not interested in having an emotional discussion. He’s just curious: if a man of science claims that it would increase the sum total of the world’s suffering to bring a child with Down’s syndrome into it, what evidence does he have for that claim?”

“The Archbishops of Canterbury and York Unwilling to Support School Chaplain Suspended for Defending Traditional Views on LGBT During a Sermon”Premier Christianity
“The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are facing criticism after it emerged that neither is willing to support the school chaplain who was suspended and reported to an anti-terrorism programme for questioning his school’s new LGBT policies.”

“New Episodes of Women Worth Knowing!”Gracious Words
“Enjoy new episodes about Edith Moules and Helen Roseveare on the Women Worth Knowing Podcast with hosts Cheryl Brodersen and Jasmine Alnutt.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

The Link: Aaron Campbell Conversation, Preach in Biblical Fullness, God’s Plan for the Ages & More Sun, 02 May 2021 19:59:00 +0000 “A Conversation on Class, Culture, Race and the Gospel”– Calvary Global Network“Aaron Campbell and Brian Brodersen discuss race, class, culture, the gospel message, and Aaron’s...]]>

“A Conversation on Class, Culture, Race and the Gospel”Calvary Global Network
“Aaron Campbell and Brian Brodersen discuss race, class, culture, the gospel message, and Aaron’s new book, Eyes That Seen Plenty.”

“Has Freedom of Speech Been Cancelled?”Pod of the Gaps
“A growing number of influential public figures have raised concerns about threats to our freedom of speech. In an age of ‘no platforming’ and ‘cancel culture’, is freedom of speech a thing of the past? Where does the idea of freedom of speech come from? Why are more and more people opposed to it? Why is it so important? Aaron, Andy and Michael discuss these timely and important questions with the usual blend of theology, apologetics and cultural insight. All of this with a sense of humour that’s a cheesy as a fromagerie.”

“The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050”Pew Research Center
“Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the World’s Population.”

“The Life & Legacy of John Stott”Langham Partnership
“An overview of the life, ministry, and legacy of John Stott (1921-2011) – pastor to pastors, servant of the church in countries across the globe, and author of more than 50 books, including seminal classics such as Basic Christianity and The Cross of Christ.”

“How to Preach with Biblical Fullness”The Gospel Coalition
My brother pastor, to preach with biblical fullness, rising above our biases, our best course is to preach through the Bible, passage by passage, letting each passage make its unique contribution, confident that over time the fullness of it all will serve people well with a clear vision of the Triune God. But let us never force a passage to say what we think it ought to have said and thus complicate the work of God.”

“God’s Plan for the Ages – 1. Beginnings: God’s Ultimate Strategy”Enduring Word
“This is the first of 12 messages exploring how the salvation plan of God was set from the beginning, the perfect plan for the ages to save mankind and make them co-heirs with Christ. In this first message we look at the beginning of God’s strategy.”

“Season 2: Leading Well Through Cultural Issues”Stetzer Leadership Podcast
“Season 1 of the Stetzer Leadership podcast was dedicated to helping church leaders navigate through the new reality of the coronavirus. Season 2 of the Stetzer Leadership podcast expands beyond the coronavirus, offering insight to help leaders navigate this unique cultural moment we now find ourselves in, alongside our hosts, Ed Stetzer and Daniel Yang.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

The Link: Renewal for Tired Pastors, Longing for Justice, Character Formation & More Sat, 24 Apr 2021 19:30:00 +0000 “The George Floyd Trial and the Longing for Justice”– Russell Moore“A jury in Minneapolis handed down the verdict the entire country has awaited for almost...]]>

“The George Floyd Trial and the Longing for Justice”Russell Moore
“A jury in Minneapolis handed down the verdict the entire country has awaited for almost a year: that police officer Derek Chauvin is guilty of the murder of George Floyd. This conviction comes at the end of a year of memorials and protests and marches, not just all over the country but all over the world. This also is a day for all of us who belong to Jesus Christ to reflect on the meaning of it all.”

“When Martyn Lloyd-Jones Confronted a Pastor Who Loved Controversy and Denunciation”The Gospel Coalition
“Iain Murray recounts a meeting between pastors T. T. Shields (1873–1955) of Toronto and Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) of London, in a story that will sound very relevant to our current discourse.”

“Don’t Create False Villains To Serve a Greater Good”The Dispatch
“The available evidence indicates a Columbus police officer acted with remarkable professionalism and poise.”

“The Amazing Life of Richard Allen”The Gospel Coalition
“What if I told you there was a man during the American Revolutionary era who was born into slavery, trusted in Christ as a teenager, converted his master, purchased his freedom, rode the circuit as a preacher with famous Methodist preacher Francis Asbury, served as a chimney sweep (perhaps even for George Washington!), survived yellow fever, walked out of his church in protest of segregation, founded the black church, and then bought back his own church building years later? That man is Richard Allen.”

“Ray Ortlund on Renewal for Tired Pastors”The Gospel Coalition
“Ray Ortlund led a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis titled “Pastor, You and Your Church Can Get Healthy Again.” Framing the conversation in light of Paul’s affirmation of the Colossian church (Col. 2:5).”

“Character Formation and Biblical Interpretation” The Expositors Collective
“Andreas Köstenberger speaks with Mike Neglia on a broad range of topics related to personal formation and Bible study and proclamation.”

“The Need for Illustrations in Preaching” Ligonier Ministries
“We do not put our trust in techniques. Nevertheless, Martin Luther did not despise the teaching of certain principles of communication that he thought were important. There are things preachers can learn regarding how to construct and deliver a sermon, and how to communicate information effectively from the pulpit.”

“An Honest and Raw Conversation with Francis Chan”Preston Sprinkle
“In this conversation, we talk about his remarkable encounter with Benny Hinn, his recent thoughts on church unity, how he’s revisited his beliefs about the Eucharist, and we reflect on the pros and cons of being educated at The Master’s College (now University) and Seminary. Francis Chan is a pastor, writer, speaker, missionary, and evangelist. Most of all–he’s a Christian who loves to spend time with. Francis has written many books, including Crazy Love, Erasing Hell, and the recently released Until Unity.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

N.T. Wright on Crucifixion, “Eyes That Seen Plenty,” Is God Allowing Suffering & More Sat, 17 Apr 2021 16:00:00 +0000 “NT Wright: Why Jesus’ Crucifixion is a Fact of History”– Premier Christianity“New Testament scholar Tom Wright tells Justin Brierley why the crucifixion of Jesus is...]]>

“NT Wright: Why Jesus’ Crucifixion is a Fact of History”Premier Christianity
New Testament scholar Tom Wright tells Justin Brierley why the crucifixion of Jesus is one of the best attested facts of history in this video from the Premier archives.”

“Do Not Nod Your Head to Lies”The Stream
“The term ‘biological sex’ does not “refer to the sex as listed on students’ original birth certificates.” In fact, the sex listed on students’ original birth certificates refers to their biological sex. Their objectively real physical body is the referent.”

“The Truth That Changes Everything”
“You will want your groups to know that Jesus is risen. But to what extent is this a credal belief – Christianity 101 – and to what extent is it a historical fact that truly changes everything for you and your groups? Sarah Yardley reminds us why we can trust this with our very lives.”

“Eyes That Seen Plenty”Aaron Campbell
“Eyes That Seen Plenty is Aaron Campbell’s powerfully moving and highly-entertaining retelling of his intense pursuit of truth as he came of age in the 80’s, a tumultuous journey full of shocking events and memorable characters.”

“Is God Allowing Suffering?”The GoodLion Podcast
When God made the world, he called it good… and yet when we look at the world today, a lot of times it doesn’t really seem very good. It’s filled with pandemics and violence and racism and division. And that’s just this year, when we look back at human history, it is filled with all kinds of terrible things. We’ve talked to on this podcast about whether or not God causes evil, and while we recommend you go back and listen to those past episodes, our short answer was no, God doesn’t cause evil, but he does allow it. Like with most areas of theology, when one question gets answered a thousand more troubling questions seem to rise up behind it. So if God doesn’t allow evil, Isn’t that really just as bad as him causing it? How can a good God allow evil to happen? If He allows it, is that really any better than him causing the evil in the first place?”

“‘God of Victory’ Single Release”Calvary Creative
“‘God of Victory’ was written by worship leaders Scott Cunningham, Andrew Messenger, and Zach Vestnys (pastor at Calvary Chapel Petaluma), was recorded live at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. “God of Victory” reminds us that Christ won the final victory over sin and darkness through His death on the cross and His resurrection.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

Religious Freedom, The Wounds of a Friend, Dr. Lu Wing on Vaccines & More Sat, 27 Mar 2021 15:30:00 +0000 “The Equality Act, People of Faith, and Religious Freedom”– Christianity Today“I’ve written before on the Equality Act. As one who believes that all people are...]]>

“The Equality Act, People of Faith, and Religious Freedom”Christianity Today
“I’ve written before on the Equality Act. As one who believes that all people are worthy of dignity and respect, I believe that we need to advocate for the civil rights of everyone— religious and irreligious, all races and creeds, and (as I wrote in my article) the rights of people who identify as LGBTQ+. Yet, I believe that the Equality Act fails do to this very thing. And, today, I’ve asked my old friend David Dockery to explain why.”

“Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend”Expositors Collective
“Negative feedback stings – but you need it! Jeremy Jenkins speaks with Mike about some vital words of feedback and critique that he received and how he has grown since then. Peers and older mentors have both played a vital role in shaping his preaching ministry, and we should thoughtfully consider how to learn from the feedback that we receive. Jeremy also speaks abut the role that apologetics and worldview analysis should play in sermons and the value that comes with being part of a preaching team.”

“Pastors Perspective: March 5, 2021” KWAVE
“Do you still have questions about the #CovidVaccine, please listens to this episode of Pastors Perspective with Brian Brodersen and Dr. Lu Wing! Dr. Wing is a biochemist who consulted on the vaccine!”

“Mary is Not A C0-Redemptrix Says Pope Francis”Eternity
“This week Pope Francis has reminded Catholics that Mary is honoured as the mother of Jesus but ‘not as co-redeemer.'”

“What the Scottish Government’s Defeat on Church Worship Tells Us”TheWeeFlea
“THE HEADLINES were straightforward. ‘Scottish Church leaders celebrate as church ban ruled unlawful.’ The reactions unsurprising. If you are a lockdown sceptic, you hailed the victory of the brave leaders who took on the government. If you think the Scottish government is the best wee government in the world you were appalled at the selfishness of the church leaders seeking to undermine necessary precautions.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

Prayer Around the World Announcement Fri, 26 Mar 2021 09:31:00 +0000 When Covid was first introduced to our world and everything shut down, it was obvious that we should have a prayer time online. And it...]]>

When Covid was first introduced to our world and everything shut down, it was obvious that we should have a prayer time online. And it has been a very fruitful year! There are countless stories of people giving their lives to the Lord and crisis moments when we were praying together. New relationships have been formed through these prayer times.

As the one-year anniversary of Prayer Around the World approaches today, March 26, we have decided to bring Prayer Around the World to an end.

When we were first presented with the idea of bringing Prayer Around the World to an end, we found it very difficult to say, “Let’s sunset our prayer time.” It is NOT our heart or our desire to end prayer! PLEASE do not stop praying!

We encourage you to seek out prayer time in your local church, group of friends via Zoom, or within your own family!! God bless you all, and please continue to pray, as we are also continuing to pray and seek God’s will for our ministry and lives.

Thank you and God Bless you all!!

-Brian Brodersen and the CGN Team

The Link: Spirit-Anointed Sermons, Woke-Speak, Saint Patrick the Missionary & More Fri, 19 Mar 2021 21:00:00 +0000 “The Next Step in Woke-Speak Exposes the Movement’s True, Bullying Nature”– New York Post“Manhattan’s elite Grace Church School recently issued a 12-page guide that takes...]]>

“The Next Step in Woke-Speak Exposes the Movement’s True, Bullying Nature”New York Post
“Manhattan’s elite Grace Church School recently issued a 12-page guide that takes the inevitable next step in rampant ‘wokeism:’ To promote inclusion, the NoHo prep school is encouraging students to stop using the words ‘mom,’ ‘dad’ and even ‘parents.’ This isn’t just hogwash, but something far worse.”

“Which Canon is Right? With Michael Kruger”Truth Unites
“How do we know which books belong in the Bible, and which ones don’t? Was the process of canonization a later development, or an authentic outgrowth from the first century? Is the Protestant canon or the Roman Catholic canon the right one? Dr. Michael Kruger addresses these questions and more.

Dr. Michael J. Kruger serves as the President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary. He earned his Ph.D. under one of the world’s leading text-critical scholars, Larry W. Hurtado, at the University of Edinburgh.”

“I was Wrong About Beth Moore” Moore to the Point
“In the early years of my time as a seminary professor, sometimes in a classroom or at a conference somewhere, someone would preface a question with a long list of critiques against the Bible teacher Beth Moore—who was then, as now, one of the most popular writers and speakers in the evangelical world. I would often preface my response with, “Well, she’s my Mom and I love her…” I did this because I could see the blood drain out of the questioner’s face as he (and it was always “he”) had the word “Moore” flash across his face. I would then, of course, say that I was kidding and move on.”

“Creation Fest In Conversation”Creation Fest
“A series of conversations designed to refresh the church and help us re-imagine mission. What does it look like to creatively re-imagine mission? To lead authentically? How do we reach the now generation or mentor young leaders? Join us for a fully interactive discussion, including an opportunity to ask questions, with some of the biggest and best Christian speakers around.

Tickets are free, but spaces are limited, so book your place on these exciting zoom calls today! click the above link to view all dates.”

“Spirit Anointed Sermon Preparation – Church Smith”Expositors Collective
“‘The greatest anointing of the Spirit of God comes upon my life when I am sitting before the Lord and outlining my message’ – So says Pastor Chuck smith in this bonus episode of the Expositors Collective podcast, which was originally recorded at the Calvary Chapel Pastors Conference, held in Costa Mesa, California in 1983. It is our hope that this message from decades past will encourage you in your personal study and public proclamation of God’s Word.

Thank you to for allowing us to use this clip, the entire message can be heard here.”

“St. Patrick: Lessons in Lockdown” Cliffs of Hope
“John McCarthy reveals the story of Saint Patrick, from the Cliffs of Moher on the West Coast of Ireland. He reads from Patrick’s own writings, in his Confessio, how this 5th century Christian found real faith in Jesus Christ during Patrick’s own lockdown in Ireland.”

“St. Patrick, Grey Wolves, and the Cimbid King”
“The power of Patrick’s mission was not in the might of the Roman Empire… nor in the status of the state Church…instead, the power of Patrick’s mission was the Gospel, the message of God’s love.”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.
